I apologize for not keeping up on the blog. It has been so very busy!!!
Yesterday we went out to Thermoelectrica, and Terrie led a Bible study with Sara translating. It was beautiful to see these ladies still hungering and thirsting for the Word, and to see how the Lord grew the number from 4 last year to 12 this year!!!! He is SO good!! The others from our team played futbol with the boys and beads with the girls, and again, the Lord provided a peaceful covering for the study. There was a lady who was in the village for the day that came with her sister. She asked for prayer for her sister, Cynthia, that Jesus will become real to her so that she will accept Him as Lord of her life. What is so incredible about Cynthia and her sister being at the study is that the only reason her sister was visiting was that her car broke down and Cynthia’s husband was fixing it that day. So, even a car breaking down can lead to a divine appointment!!! We were able to take complete Spanish Bibles and some school supplies to them, as well. Please keep them and all the ladies in Thermoelectrica in prayer that they will keep growing in the Lord and that more and more will be saved in their village.
We did do projects again with the children here at Casa de Paz, including finishing their rockets. We launched the rockets in the evening after a hot dog BBQ for the children and staff here at Casa de Paz.
It was so cool! We also did dinosaur egg hunts (watermelons hid on the grounds) and watched the DVD from last year’s trip theater style with popcorn and everything, and the kids loved seeing themselves on the big screen! It was really a special time connecting with them, sharing pictures and memories with them, and hopefully creating more to share in the future!
Today we went to Ensenada and La Bufadora where we haggled and as Steve says, “did our ministry to the merchants” there! We are getting ready for the campfire now. I apologize if this was too bland a rendering of the goings on! It has been such a beautiful time. I pray you all enjoy the pictures, and we look forward to sharing in detail the things the Lord has shown, strewn, and grown in us. God bless you all!
In Christ’s Love,