It was another fine day today at C.D.P. We did more activities with the children. We had our nearly-NASA trained experts help the kids build rockets. Our agricultural experts planted

bean seeds with the children. Our fashion design experts worked to create a custom designed camisa for each one. As great (and exaggerated)

as that sounds, none of their expertise and abilities mattered one whit, except for the one thing all of us can bring to anyone anywhere: The love of the Lord!! It was such a blessing to see the children excited and engaged with the activities and us.
We again went to Mixteco. Some of the team dug trenches and put up window trim. The ladies had been praying about being able to paint the classrooms for the teachers even though we had no painting supplies.

The Lord answered that prayer before we even got here!! David, who is the director of Casa de Paz, had bought painting supplies with the money we had sent a month ago!!! Andy and Monica had 100 gallons of paint that had been donated to them just waiting to be used. The Lord is so good how he supplies! We were able to paint 2 classrooms . . . and even paint a wall bright teal (It’s sharp!!).

We stopped on the way back to Casa at Thermo Electrica where one of the ladies we met last year, Magdalena, excitedly kept saying how filled with joy she was to see us! Last year when we visited, she was part of a group of women that said they had been praying that the Lord would send them someone to teach them how to do their own Bible study. He used our group to answer that prayer! Never before and never since have I felt a sense of peace and known the Lord’s covering during a meeting, and this was something all of us felt. It was divinely designed appointment and was so beautiful! What an encouragement to see her again and a reminder of God’s faithfulness to his children.
On the voyage home from Thermo Electrica, I looked in the rearview mirror from my position in the back of the van and was curious about the look in Terrie’s eyes. Eyes squinting and jaw set, we soon learned of what hid behind that look. She took us on a violent turn down a road that has seen the death of many a hubcap, oil pan, and axle. We were thrown hither and to--forget sitting on the edge of our seats, we were over the tops of them! Well, hopefully we will return with all of our parts in place, although I am not too sure about the rental!!
Well, all that adventure and dinner being complete, I will sign off for now. God bless you all!
In Christ’s Love,