Cold morning. Very, very cold.

Getting to know each other with frilly name tags.

Filling in a washed away road.

Digging out the side and back of Sister Fidela's house. The guys in the foreground are digging out the side. The guys up on the stairs in back are digging out the back of the house.

The dirt was being loaded into the truck to be dumped into the washed out road.

This is perfectly legal in Mexico. In fact, some of the locals were making fun of us because we didn't have MORE people crammed in there.

The ride back. Yes, we are all wearing seat-belts...invisible seat-belts.

The local Ensenada churches were not able to come but last night and today we have received about 20 additional students and adult leaders. Today we split into seperate teams and tackled some of the needs here at the mission, at the church and also a local family whose house was inundated with mud from the recent rains.
Here at the mission we painted over graffiti in the river bed, cleaned up the facility and re-routed some drainage from the road.
At the church the girls packed beans, rice and potatoes to give to the local families here in the valley.
At the flooded house we began work on digging out a buried retaining wall at the back of the house and removing all the mud and trash from the side of the house to improve drainage.
We are having unbelievable fellowship with the other folks visiting here. God is amazing.
Right now, most of the kids are playing soccer, Olivia is making t-shirts, Sara is getting accupuncture for her shoulder (its working), Mrs Cooksey is getting dinner ready, Mr Spalding is doing nothing (Jason's orders) and I am blogging. God is good.
p.s. the picture ulpoading is not working so we'll post pictures when we get back.